
Get know the activities which wil be carried in this congress.


The set of activities planned and organized by the Pro-rectory of Education that integrate the ConInter EPT, has the purpose of contributing with the debate around the school that we have and the one that we want in its different ways of formation donated to the society in general and in special in the debate about the professional and technological formation project.

The activities programmed by the Pro-rectory of Education consist of lectures, debate tables, exhibition of works, dialogues of Freire, involving topics such as: bullying and its implications in school life, personal and social, integration of technologies to undergraduate curricula, school in the perspective of the students, diversity and plurality. In a diversified way, the activities are focused on the students and staff of the IFTM, educators of the Basic Education and the public in general who wants to know the Educational Project of IFTM.

Research and Innovation

The Post-graduation Symposium (SIMPÓS), is a result of a joint effort of Stricto Sensu and Lato Sensu Post-graduation Programs, bound to the Pro-Rectory of Research, Post-graduation and Innovation of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Triangulo Mineiro (IFTM). The event has as general aim give the opportunity of diffusion, socialization and evaluation of the results of researches developed by teachers and students of the Post-graduation programs of IFTM, as well as to promote the interaction and the exchange of experiences with regional institutions which develop researches in the thematic areas approached in SIMPÓS. Also aims to debate about the approach and epistemological perspectives of research in Brazilian reality to the increase of science and the resolution of themes pertinent to the areas of activities of the institutions involved. The intended audience of the IV SIMPÓS includes researches, students and teachers of IFTM Post-graduation and of Brazilian Superior Institutions of Education which act in Science and Food Technology, Agrarian Sciences, Computer Science, Administration, Professional Education and Technology and Environmental Science areas. The event plans the realization of Workshops: W1 – Science and Food Technology; W2 – Agrarian Science; W3 – Computer Science and Administration; W4 – Professional and Technological Education; W5 – Environmental Science; in addition to the dissemination of results of the researches through the publication of extended abstracts and the presentation of posters in the same area of the Workshops.

Submit work

Technological Extension

The Technological Extension aims to contribute to the reflection of relevant themes in the social and cultural issues. The technological extension is an instrument that reaches the community to benefit it with technological innovation and art-culture, emphasizing by the cultural diversity, by the identity in dialogues, by interculturality for recognition, preservation and reconstruction of memories, knowledge and artistic practices in regions covered by Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro.

Internationalization and languages

The aim of the internationalization actions during the ConInterEPT is to provide opportunity to the participants to debate about the internationalization and policy of languages in the federal education network.

The activities programmed by the International Relations and Languages Coordination embody rounds of conversation, round tables, workshops, pitch of international opportunities, presentation of academic and cultural works concerning themes as: internationalization and languages.
