The Congress of Internationalization, Professional and Technological Education of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM) aims to arouse the interest of the participants through the areas of technical, technological, undergraduate and postgraduate courses providing opportunities for the development of innovative ideas, citizen formation and sustainable development.
For three days, the event aims to promote the activities of inclusion, art, culture, research and innovation, technological extension, education and internationalization, developed by students, technical-administrative servers and teachers integrated into the community, business environment, internationalization and public administration.
Days 26, 27 and 28 of November of 2018. Morning, afternoon and night..
The ConInterEPT will take place at IFTM Campus Uberaba Technological Park (UPT) in Uberaba.
Learn a litle more about the city of Uberaba and see some suggestions for places to stay.