Uberaba Campus
Regular Technical courses integrated to High School Curriculum
- Agriculture
- Maintenance and Support in IT
Regular Technical Courses non-integrated an after High School
- Management
- Agriculture
- Chemistry
Long Distance Education Technical Courses non-integrated an after High School
- Management (Sacramento Long Distance Center)
- Industrial Automation (Uberaba Long Distance Center)
- Construction and Buildings (Uberaba Long Distance Center)
- Electro electronic (Uberaba Long Distance Center)
- Computing for Internet (Uberaba Long Distance Center)
- Workplace Health and Safety (Sacramento / Uberaba Long Distance Centers)
- Public Services (Uberaba Long Distance Center)
Regular Undergraduate Courses
- Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering
- Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science
- Teaching Course in Biological Science
- Teaching Course in Chemistry
- Technology in Analysis and Systems Development
- Food Technology
Long Distance Education Undergraduate Courses
- Teaching Course in Portuguese Language (Araxá / Araguari / Coromandel / Ituiutaba / Uberaba /São Paulo: Jardim Moreno; Jardim Paulistano; Jardim São Carlos; São João Climaco Long Distance Centers)
- Course in Mathematics (São Paulo: Jardim Moreno; Jardim Paulistano; Jardim São Carlos;São João Climaco Long Distance Courses)
Regular Lato Sensu Degree Courses
- Environmental Sanitation
- Environmental Management - Diagnosis and Environmental Adaptation
Regular Strictu Sensu Degree Courses
- Professional Master’s Degree in Science and Food Technology
- Professional Master’s Degree in Technological Education