Organizational Identity

Brief Background

In 2007, the draft Act n. 6905 of 24/04/2007 established guidelines for the process of integration of federal technological education institutions, for the purpose of the constitution of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IFET), under the Federal Network of Technological Education. Later, the Public Call n. 02 of 12/12/2007 provided to this federal network an opportunity to send changing proposals in Federal Institutes. The same year of 2007 was struck by intense discussions, since the draft Act n. 6905/2007 brought up several innovations to the federal system. The professional education institutions had a deadline of 90 days to enroll, voluntarily, proposals to integrate the new model of federal system of professional education. The Department of Professional and Technical Education – SETEC – made the proposals’ selection and the results were released on 31/03/2008.

The Federal Center of Technological Education of Uberaba-MG and its decentralized units of Education (UNED) in Ituiutaba and in Paracatu and The Federal Agrotechnical School of Uberlândia–MG attended the Public Call n. 02 with the transformation project for these federal institutions into Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro – (IFTM), under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Eurípedes Ronaldo Ananias Ferreira, and they had their project approved.

On the 29th December, 2008, the Brazilian President Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva endorsed the Law n. 11.892/2008 that created 38 Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology, including IFTM. In its first article it established the Federal Network of Professional Education, Science and Technology attached to the Ministry of Education.

Like the other Federal Institutes of Technological Education, it offers education in various teaching levels and types of courses, allowing the admission of high school, technical level, undergraduate level and even Lato Sensu and Sricto Sensu degree students.

IFTM is structured as follows: Chief Academic Office, located in Uberaba, and the campi in Uberaba, Ituiutabas, Paracatu, Patrocínio, Patos de Minas, Uberlandia and Uberlandia Center. It also has basic infrastructure in other small towns, which are Long Distance Educational Centers, offering technical courses in partnership with the City Halls.

Basic Information

Name:Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Triângulo Mineiro

Abbreviated name: IFTM

Legal status: Autarchy of Special Regime

Superior Office: Ministry of Education-Department of Technological Education

Main activity: Professional education of technological level

Head office address:

2900 Dr. Randolph Borges Júnior Av.
Zip Code 38064-300 MG
Office number: +55 (34) 3326-1102
Website address:

Legitimating Document: Law n. 11.892 December 29th, 2008, which establishes the Federal Network of Professional Education, Science and Technology and creates the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology, and other measures.

Mission: We aim to give Professional and Technical Education, through Teaching, Research and Extension, promoting development in the context of an inclusive and democratic society.

Vision: We aim to be an institution of excellence in professional and technological education, boosting technological, scientific, humanistic, environmental, social and cultural development, aligned with the region characteristics in which it appears.


  • Ethics: to generate and maintain credibility in society.
  • Human Development: to form a citizen integrated to the social context.
  • Social Integration: to perform interactive actions with society in order to achieve social and technological development.
  • Innovation: to promote changes by entrepreneurship.
  • Quality and Excellence: to promote the continuous improvement of services which are offered to fulfill society needs.

Principles and Competencies

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM), was created by the transition/integration of former Federal Centers for Technological Education, Agricultural Technical Schools and can be defined as an institution of undergraduate, basic and professional education, pluricurricular and multicampi. Like other Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology, IFTM offers education in various teaching levels and types of courses, allowing the admission of high school, technical level, undergraduate level and even Lato Sensu and Sricto Sensu degree students.

Their actions are in accordance with the policies established by the Ministry of Education (MEC), which is subordinated, by the The Department of Professional and Technical Education (SETEC), which promotes technological and professional education by offering all modalities of teaching: technical (including adults’ education), technological education, undergraduate courses (including teacher’s undergraduate courses) and graduate studies.

According to the fourth article of its Statute, IFTM has the following characteristics and purposes:

I. Offering technological and professional education at different levels and modalities, graduating and qualifying citizens aiming at professional activities in different sectors of economy, highlighting the local, regional and national socioeconomic development;

II. Developing professional and technological education as an educational and investigative process of generating and adapting technical and technological solutions to social demands and regional peculiarities;

III. Promoting the integration and vertical growth from basic up to professional and undergraduate education, improving physical infrastructure, staffing and management resources;

IV. Guiding its educational offer for the benefit of the consolidation and strengthening of productive, social and local cultural arrangements, identified according to previously mapped potential socioeconomic and cultural development within the scope of action of the Federal Institute;

V. Turning into a center of excellence in the provision of science education, in general, and applied sciences, in special, encouraging the development of critical thinking, focused on empirical research;

VI. Qualifying itself as a reference center in supporting the provision of science education in public educational institutions, providing technical training and pedagogical updating for teachers in public schools;

VII. Developing extension and scientific and technological dissemination programs;

VIII. Conducting and stimulating applied research, cultural production, entrepreneurship, cooperation and scientific and technological development; and

IX. Promoting the production, development and transfer of social technologies, notedly aimed at the environmental preservation.

According to the Law 11.892, December 29th, 2008, IFTM has the following objectives in its scope of action:

I. Teaching technical and professional high school education, primarily as integrated courses for the basic education graduates and for young adults and adults;

II. Teaching basic and continuing courses for workers, aiming at professionals training, improvement, specialization and updating, at all educational levels in the areas of professional and technological education;

III. Conducting applied research projects, encouraging the development of technical and technological solutions, extending its benefits to the community;

IV. Developing extension activities in accordance with the principles and purposes of vocational and technological education, in conjunction with the world of work and the social sectors, with an emphasis on production, development and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge;

V. Stimulating and supporting educational processes that lead to the employment and income generation and the citizen emancipation from the view of local and regional socioeconomic development; and,

VI. Teaching at graduation level:

a) Graduation technology courses aiming at professional formation for different sectors of the economy;

b) Teacher’s undergraduate courses as well as special programs for pedagogical development, aiming at training teachers for basic education, especially in science and mathematics, and professional education;

c) Bachelor and engineering courses aiming at forming professionals for different sectors and areas of knowledge;

d) Lato sensu courses, aiming at specialization and continuous formation in different areas of knowledge; and

e) Stricto sensu (Master’s and Doctorate) courses, which contribute to lay solid foundations for education, science and technology, in order to promote technological generation and innovation.

IFTM resolves its educational and political commitment defining its mission as "offering professional and technological education through teaching, research and extension activities, promoting the development towards an inclusive and democratic society."

In this scenery, education is understood as a means of social transformation, encompassing more than a mere educational and professional training place, making the Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro a complete learning and development environment, having as main challenge the promotion of education through offering different extracurricular activities.